Aqsitania is a start-up company that was founded in February 2014. We offer services based on our unique signal modelling and analysis process.
Aqsitania is headquartered near Bordeaux, in Pessac, France, and have been sponsored by two regional organizations, the Incubateur Régional d’Aquitaine and the Conseil Régional d’Aquitaine, as well as BPI-France, the French public investment bank.
We already work with several well known French hospitals, like AP-HP La Pitié-Salpêtrière in Paris, and University Hospitals in Bordeaux and Grenoble (CHU de Bordeaux, CHU de Grenoble).
We’re busy opening our services to other countries now. Don’t hesitate to contact us about that!
We received several awards during our incubation phase :
- E-Health Trophy 2012, Université de la e-santé (Castres, France)
- Concours national d’aide à la création d’entreprises innovantes
[« National Competition to aid in the creation of innovative companies »]
see also : Partners, Technology.